Kunstrasen / BURN CAPITALISM,BURN(print red) 2016 ED 41/50 Kunstrasen / BURN CAPITALISM , BURN(print red) 2016 ED 41/50 グラフィティアート ステンシル作品 クンストラーゼン チェ・ゲバラ チェゲバラ 愛知 名古屋 Alto e Diritto altoediritto アルトエデリット Che Guevarra Burn capitalism Burn Blue - Canvas 2015年10月にドイツ・コブレンツ Rough Times for Dreamers Also have this 'Burn Capitalism Burn' AP Print in the charity auction with @ecomoyoauction mentioned yesterday. A bit more special than the edition with real burn marks on the Dollar note. Link in their bio...some great artworks of other artists in that charity auction as well. Please check it out! #stencil #stencilart #stencilartist #kunstrasen #art #urbanart #streetart #graffitiart #graffiti #stencils #stencilstuff #spraypaint #kunst #contemporaryart #modernart #print #ap #burn #capitalism #che #kunstrasenstencil


Kunstrasen / BURN CAPITALISM,BURN(print red) 2016 ED 41/50 Kunstrasen / BURN CAPITALISM , BURN(print red) 2016 ED 41/50 グラフィティアート ステンシル作品 クンストラーゼン チェ・ゲバラ チェゲバラ 愛知 名古屋 Alto e Diritto altoediritto アルトエデリット Che Guevarra Burn capitalism Burn Blue - Canvas 2015年10月にドイツ・コブレンツ Rough Times for Dreamers  Also have this 'Burn Capitalism Burn' AP Print in the charity auction with @ecomoyoauction mentioned yesterday. A bit more special than the edition with real burn marks on the Dollar note. Link in their bio...some great artworks of other artists in that charity auction as well. Please check it out! #stencil #stencilart #stencilartist #kunstrasen #art #urbanart #streetart #graffitiart #graffiti #stencils #stencilstuff #spraypaint #kunst #contemporaryart #modernart #print #ap #burn #capitalism #che #kunstrasenstencil

Kunstrasen …

by S

Alto e Diritto / アルト エ デリット


OPEN /// 12:00~18:00
TEL /// 052-253-7718

〒461-0001 愛知県名古屋市東区泉1-23-2